Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gettin' Political

Goddess bless Glen Beck. I love that man! Wouldn't want to live with him, so Goddess bless his wife, as well, and I don't agree with everything he says, but praise be that he goes on national TV and says it!!! And my husband has come around, after only a few missed episodes, to the fact that this guy is tellin' it the way it is. That means I get to watch, too. Geraldine Ferraro's comments about Barak Obama, at face value, were true. He's where he is because he's a Black man. That's not, I'm sure, the ONLY reason he's where he is, but it is part of it. Glen, that's not racism Ms. Ferraro expressed, it's fact. When you're Not White, Black, Hispanic, First Nations, Mixed, whatever, you gotta knock yourself out to get anywhere. It's never anything personal, it's just a fact of life in These United States. And isn't it a wonderful thing, it's still true in this country that if you knock yourself out, you can be President, or at least shoot for it, based on the ideas you have to keep this country great!
I've popped at the people that come into the place I work, from time to time. Ya gotta, they're funny. You know, went on vacation and forgot to pack their brains. But one day, about a week ago, a young lady came in wearing an Obama tee shirt. I told her I liked her shirt, yessiree, and she responded, "Really, and me here in the heart of McCain country!" Well, hon, not exactly. I explained that, in the time I've lived in Arizona, I don't recall anything special Mr. McCain has done for his constituency, and, conversely, I really like the idea of a President who doesn't have 40 years of favors to special interests hanging over his head as he tries to run the country. We all but hugged before she left. If Barak Obama is where he is because he's a Black man, it's because he's a person who HAPPENS to be Black and male, and I really think he's the brightest hope this country has had since Bobby Kennedy, and yes, I am that old. Fortunately, Barak is not, and he doesn't have a history with Wal-Mart selling out to China to overcome, or seven years of running around trying to grab the current President's coattails to live down. I'll take my chances with the New Guy, thanks!

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