Monday, November 26, 2007

A Memorble Thanksgiving

Well, it was NOT dull. My daughter's boyfriend kind of spoiled things for us by pulling one of those "Uh, I guess I'm not coming after all" things that just wreck a holiday. And the Baby, (actually a Big Girl of 3), managed to share not only love, but her case of croup. Both Gramma, (me), and Pappa are wheezy and runny now.
On the upside, I also got to talk to my Aunt. She's 93, and our efforts at conversation on the phone were somewhat hindered by her 2 hearing aids, so she ended up telling me, "Maria, you'll have to email me, I can't hear you with these things, and I can't hear you without them!" So I made sure to email her first thing when I got home. It's really great, because, due to a familial upset/misunderstanding about 30 years ago, we hadn't been in touch. I'm ecstatic that I have had the chance to reopen the door with her. I have to admit, too, I get a kick out of my 93-year-old Auntie telling me I need to email her!
I also had the unexpected pleasure of being able to help my son get his stuff started for Voc. Rehab. Who would have guessed a government office would be open the day after Thanksgiving?
So, to trot out the cliches, what am I thankful for this year? A daughter who still appreciates my cooking, even if it's HER kitchen I'm tearin' up; a chance to help my son get the help he needs; a grand daughter who's more than worth the risk of a virus; relatives of various descriptions who, no matter how far away in time or space, are always close; a husband who's proving that the 3rd time really is the charm.
Next cliche: What do I want for Yule? Hmmm...let me see....

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